The scan method reads every item in the entire table and returns all the data in the table. You can provide a filter_expression option so that only items that match your criteria will be returned. However, the filter is only applied after the entire table has been scanned.
The following program scans the entire Movies table, which contains about 5,000 items. The scan specifies an optional filter to take only movies from the 1950s (about 100 items) and discard all other movies.
Create a file named
Copy the following code and paste it into the file
from pprint import pprint
import boto3
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
def scan_movies(year_range, display_movies, dynamodb=None):
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table('Movies')
scan_kwargs = {
'FilterExpression': Key('year').between(*year_range),
'ProjectionExpression': "#yr, title, info.rating",
'ExpressionAttributeNames': {"#yr": "year"}
done = False
start_key = None
while not done:
if start_key:
scan_kwargs['ExclusiveStartKey'] = start_key
response = table.scan(**scan_kwargs)
display_movies(response.get('Items', []))
start_key = response.get('LastEvaluatedKey', None)
done = start_key is None
if __name__ == '__main__':
def print_movies(movies):
for movie in movies:
print(f"\n{movie['year']} : {movie['title']}")
query_range = (1950, 1959)
f"Scanning for movies released from {query_range[0]} to {query_range[1]}...")
scan_movies(query_range, print_movies)
ProjectionExpression specify the properties you want in the scan results.
FilterExpression specifies a condition that returns only items that satisfy the condition. All other items are removed.
Another case: use python " file path"
1958 : Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
{'rating': Decimal('8')}
1958 : Monster on the Campus
{'rating': Decimal('5.7')}
1958 : No Time for Sergeants
{'rating': Decimal('7.5')}
1958 : Teacher's Pet
{'rating': Decimal('7')}
1958 : Touch of Evil
{'rating': Decimal('8.2')}
1958 : Vertigo
{'rating': Decimal('8.5')}
1951 : A Streetcar Named Desire
{'rating': Decimal('8')}
1951 : Alice in Wonderland
{'rating': Decimal('7.4')}
1951 : An American in Paris
{'rating': Decimal('7.2')}
1951 : Operation Pacific
{'rating': Decimal('6.5')}
1951 : Storm Warning
{'rating': Decimal('7')}
1951 : Strangers on a Train
{'rating': Decimal('8.2')}
1951 : The African Queen
{'rating': Decimal('8')}