Query Global Secondary Index

  • To query the Global Secondary Index, use the command query
  1. Execute the command:
aws dynamodb query \
    --table-name Music \
    --index-name AlbumTitle-index \
    --key-condition-expression "AlbumTitle = :name" \
    --expression-attribute-values ​​'{":name":{"S":"Somewhat Famous"}}'
  1. Result:
  • Results on AWS CloudShell:
    "Items": [
            "AlbumTitle": {
                "S": "Somewhat Famous"
            "Awards": {
                "N": "1"
            "Artist": {
                "S": "No One You Know"
            "SongTitle": {
                "S": "Call Me Today"
            "AlbumTitle": {
                "S": "Somewhat Famous"
            "Awards": {
                "N": "2"
            "Artist": {
                "S": "No One You Know"
            "SongTitle": {
                "S": "Howdy"
    "Count": 2,
    "ScannedCount": 2,
    "ConsumedCapacity": null
  • Result on the interface:

Query Gobal Secondary Index CloudShell!